Primary Contact Information

Reunion Details

(or approximates, please include the year)
(or approximates, please include the year)
Have you selected your hotel?
Please upload you signed hotel contract if you have a copy. If not, please fax a copy to 313-202-1911 or email to once it is available. Max. file size: 16 MB.
Are you interested in hotel accommodations?

Approximate number of hotel rooms needed

Hospitality Suite
For a meet & greet, social purposes, etc
Particular Area you would like your hotel?
Check all that apply
Pool, restaurant, lounge, etc - be specific
Do you have a banquet?
Have you already selected your banquet facility?
Would you like to receive information on banquet spaces?
Please check any other areas of interest
Please use the following to provide more details on any of the above items or other requests you may have
What YEAR, CITY, and HOTEL was your last reunion held?

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