D2A2 connects Detroit and Ann Arbor both day and night
DETROIT, MI (August 3, 2023) -- Detroiters can connect to Ann Arbor with the Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan’s “D2A2” bus route, an hourly commuter line that connects the largest city in Michigan with the state’s top-ranked University of Michigan.
But while other bus routes end during the day, D2A2 will run until midnight from now to Labor Day.
As part of the Michigan Flyer service, D2A2 connects back-and-forth routes between Ann Arbor’s Blake Transit Center and Detroit’s Grand Circus Park, a bus stop right next to the People Mover and the Rosa Parks Transit Center.
Thanks to increased service, D2A2 ridership has grown significantly in the past year. Approximately 4,973 riders took D2A2 in June 2023 compared to 2,903 riders in June 2022 — a 71% increase.
“D2A2 is a major artery for public transport in our region,” Senior Director of Communications Chris Moyer said. “For those who can’t afford a car, don’t drive or even just want the convenience of public transportation, the D2A2 bus route is an effective option at connecting two of Michigan’s most impactful cities.”
Outfitted with power outlets, charging ports and an onboard restroom, the motorcoaches of the Michigan Flyer service offer features that make the hour-long ride an easy voyage. The buses are also consistently clean, even with carpeted seats and hardwood flooring. All buses are wheelchair accessible, and riders can take advantage of the under-cabin storage whether traveling with large luggage or a bicycle.
“We've seen more demand for D2A2 every month, which says to me that this nonstop service has really addressed a need in our region's transportation system.” Ben Stupka, Program Manager for the RTA, said. “Since people can now travel directly between downtown Ann Arbor and downtown Detroit for as little as $2 each way, they can make it to more baseball games, concerts, and festivals, and still get home the very same night. In the final few weeks of summer, I highly encourage everyone to try out D2A2 while our 'Midnight Run' is still available.”
At $8 base fare, $6 booked in advance and $5 each for a book of 10 tickets, rides are inexpensive compared to the rising costs of gas. For $100, riders can access a book of 50 tickets, making commuting between the cities affordable in addition to its convenience.
With rising costs for individual transportation, public transit is not only cost efficient, but it’s also environmentally friendly. By essentially carpooling with dozens of other folks visiting Detroit, D2A2 saves on fuel and emissions, which helps fight climate change.
Of course, the other side of this bus route is just as impactful. D2A2 is a great opportunity to connect world-leading innovation at one of the top public universities – the University of Michigan -- with a world-class city in Detroit. As Detroit continues to host innovators for companies such as Ford, QuickenLoans and Bedrock, connecting the city to a city built around higher education helps those businesses attract talent.
D2A2 isn’t just for students, though. It also connects sports fans, shoppers and everyday visitors to each city, boosting the overall tourism economy of the region. Whatever draws riders to the bus route, D2A2 is an affordable and efficient route.
For more information, please contact:
Christopher Moyer, Senior Director of Communications, Visit Detroit — cmoyer@visitdetroit.com¬
About Visit Detroit:
Visit Detroit is a private, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to market and sell the metropolitan Detroit area on a worldwide basis as a destination for leisure and business travel including conventions, trade shows, corporate meetings, tours and incentive travel to maximize additional visitors, visitor expenditures, state and local tax revenues and job opportunities.
More than 700 businesses are represented in Visit Detroit’s membership. Visit Detroit was founded in 1896 as the world’s first convention and visitors bureau. visitdetroit.com